Not yet ready to work directly with me?

Grab a freebie or try one of my short digital courses:



30 ideas for social media posts (free)

A free PDF with 30 ideas for social media posts that can be adapted for your business, and used again and again in different ways.

20 CTA ideas to get engagement (free)

Arguably, just about every post should have a CTA (call to action) of some sort, but here are 20 that won’t just get ignored. 

All About Hashtags (£9)

A mini course with everything you need to know about hashtags and how to use them effectively to increase your reach


Quick ways to get clients as a teacher or coach (free)

Marketing is a longer-term strategy, but sometimes you need clients RIGHT NOW. 10 practical strategies to pull a client out of the bag. 

Get ELT writing or editing work quickly (free)

10 practical strategies to drum up some writing or editing work at the last minute.

The Happy Client Template Toolkit (£59)

Everything you need to both save you time, AND create a first class client experience.


Get help with your LinkedIn profile (£17)

Download a detailed PDF walking you through setting up your LinkedIn profile so you can attract the right clients.

Or get my personal detailed feedback and tips in a thorough audit of your profile and posts.  

10 ways to 10x your audience growth (£37)

In this mini course, I take you through ten 2-4 minute video tasks that will all help to achieve this. If you carry out all the tasks (and crucially KEEP doing them), you will see your followers and subscribers grow fast, making it that much easier to find those consistent clients.


The Non-Sleazy Sales Kit (£17)

This mini course and downloadable PDF will take you through a highly effective 10 step sales or discovery call process to help you  get comfortable with selling, while putting the potential client at the heart of everything.


The Earn Learn Thrive Productivity Planner

Are you an ELT Freelance professional or business owner?

You love the freedom and flexibility running your own business brings, but often feel overwhelmed with everything you have to do. You already spend so much time working in your business, serving clients- how are you supposed to find the time to actually run your business effectively, and even plan ahead or come up with new business ideas?

The Earn Learn Thrive Productivity Planner: for ELT Freelancer Professionals and Business Owners is specifically designed to help you break down your goals into bite-size manageable chunks, and use your time in the most effective way. You can get more done, AND actually reduce the amount of time you spend hunched over a desk.

Step by step, the productivity planner will take you through an easy system which helps you to get better at planning, assessing your time accurately, and learning as you go.

It’s a combination of goal setting, regular reviews, and daily time blocking. And it really works.

  • The ELT Productivity Planner is undated, so you can start at any point in the year.


  • There are 8 x six week sprints, meaning that it will last at least 48 weeks (if you don’t take any holidays- which you definitely should!)

[If you’re outside the UK, go to your local Amazon site.]


Are you spending enough time on your ELT business?

You probably think you already spend far too much time on running your ELT business... but my guess is that in fact you may be spending too much time IN your business, rather than, ON your business. And they're not the same thing. Most freelancers and small business...

15 ways you might be self-sabotaging your business

15 ways you might be self-sabotaging your business

Self-sabotaging is when the things that you’re doing, or thinking, are actually not in your best interests… and, if you’re human, you’ll have experienced this.Here are 15 very common forms of self sabotage to look out for when running your business. Not so you can...

Shameless self-promotion

Shameless self-promotion

People talk about ‘shameless self-promotion’, which gives the idea that we should be ashamed to promote ourselves and what we do. But if you are your business- which you are if you offer a personalized service, such as teaching or coaching- then surely you need to be...

What makes someone an expert?

What makes someone an expert?

Are you an expert? Now, if I know my audience, I'm willing to bet a significant proportion of you felt uncomfortable about saying yes...But here's the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary definition of an expert: 'a person with special knowledge, skill, or training in...

Why you struggle to switch off from your business

Why you struggle to switch off from your business

You might think that you have plenty of time off work (or you might not, but that’s another subject!), but do you truly switch off from your business in that time?Technology makes it harder and harder for us to ever truly be ‘off’ as it’s so tempting to just respond...

How to stop fire-fighting and know what to prioritise in your business

How to stop fire-fighting and know what to prioritise in your business

When you’re running a business it can feel like you’re juggling a million things, and that’s before you even start to think about the bigger picture and planning ahead.

It seems logical that you should prioritise those tasks which feel most urgent. And, don’t get me wrong, some of them probably really do have to be priorities.

But if we devote all our time to fire-fighting, we are never going to get out from under the overwhelm, and we’re likely to be spending a lot more time than we realise doing things that aren’t actually helping us to earn more, work less, and definitely not to live more fully. So, how can you know what your priorities really are?

Annual business review 2022

Annual business review 2022

Ever since I started my business in 2018, I’ve been carrying out regular reviews of my business. And, together with support from a couple of great coaches, I think this has been largely responsible for the frankly great progress I’ve made, from a side gig to a full time business, and doubling my income each year for the first three years- and this year still managing to increase it by 50%.

For the last two years I’ve written an annual business review blog post detailing what’s gone well, what’s not gone so well (and what I learnt from it), and my goals for the year ahead, and how I plan to make them happen. Why? Because I believe in transparency, and I also think my clients, potential clients, and even those who will never work with me can learn a lot from it, and I’m all about helping people to learn and grow.

Work with me on my group programme to clarify your niche and develop a business model that will help you work less and earn more… and learn how to effectively market and sell it. 

Contact me for a free 40 minute discovery call.