Blog Posts

How to run profitable one-to-one English classes

How to run profitable one-to-one English classes

Teaching one-to-one is an incredible opportunity to tailor classes to the needs of each student. But many teachers feel daunted by the prospect. After all, nothing on TEFL courses prepared you for one-to-one teaching. As a result, teachers often aren’t charging enough either. But, get it right and you could be earning good money teaching one-to-one.

How to manage your comfort zone for success

How to manage your comfort zone for success

I’ve recently been thinking about why it is that some freelance language business owners implement away, and get great results, while others seem to find it harder to actually get stuck in and taking action.This is not to try and make anyone feel bad, by the way,...

Why I decided to close my membership

Why I decided to close my membership

Having a successful membership is the dream for a lot of people. There's a lot to be said for it in business terms. First and foremost, the recurring income. (Notice that I do NOT say passive income, more later on this). My membership, The Confident ELT Freelancer...

How to set better boundaries in your freelance business

How to set better boundaries in your freelance business

Freelancers often see setting boundaries as being a bit 'mean', creating walls and barriers between themselves and their clients, when their goal should be to be as helpful as possible. This is reinforced by the fact that, as a result of not wanting to be 'mean', most...

Annual business review 2023

Annual business review 2023

For the last four years now I’ve written an annual review blog post, looking back at my year in business, and sharing what’s gone well, what hasn’t gone so well, and, most importantly, what I’ve learnt from it.One of my core values is authenticity, and I believe that...

5 clients with a successful freelance niche

If you're a company like Coca-Cola, with a massive ad spend, you don't need to niche. Coca-Cola appeals to (almost) everyone, everywhere. However, if you're running a small, probably one person ELT/ESL freelance business, the only real way to stand out is to get known...