by Rachael Roberts | Mar 7, 2019 | MIndfulness, Mindfulness practice, Negativity, Stress, WEll-being
I recently came across a great post on Facebook, which referred to a ‘Mindfulness 101’ poster created by Kate Alan, in which a cute little bunny talks us through how to use mindfulness to deal with emotions. I’ll give you the link at the end. I loved it because it was...
by Rachael Roberts | Feb 27, 2019 | MIndfulness, Mindfulness practice, Overwhelm, Stress, WEll-being, Wellbeing
Life’s been pretty full on for me recently. I’ve got a lot on at work, one of my kids is doing GCSEs and under a lot of pressure, a close friend is going through an awful divorce. So, I’ve been thinking a great deal about how to avoid getting completely stressed and...
by | Jan 29, 2019 | Inner Troll, MIndfulness, Negativity, stressed day
Is positive thinking just denial dressed up? For many years I was pretty suspicious of positive thinking. Wasn’t it just denial? What was the point in pretending everything was fine, when it clearly wasn’t? And how could thinking positively really help you deal with...
by | Dec 3, 2018 | Mindfulness practice, Negativity
Do you have any friends or family members that you find yourself making excuses not to see? Or who leave you feeling exhausted and drained after spending time with them? If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably felt guilty about feeling this way too. But no matter...
by Rachael Roberts | Nov 6, 2018 | Breathing, MIndfulness, Mindfulness practice, Monkey Mind, Uncategorized, WEll-being
There’s a lot of talk these days about mindfulness, but there isn’t always a whole lot of clarity about what exactly it means, or how someone who’s new to mindfulness can start to integrate it into their life. Perhaps the first thing to say, mindfulness for...