Now gets better quality clients and has upped her prices by 50%.

Name: Helen Louise
Business: Works with healthcare professionals, focusing on helping them to improve their English and prepare for the OET (Occupational English Test).
Problem: To escape from under-charging and over-working, Helen knew she needed to overhaul her business model and her marketing.
Result: She’s finding it much easier to attract the right kind of clients, who value what she has to offer and are willing to pay her new higher rates.
In terms of the people I work with, I don’t seem to be having any trouble finding the right kind of clients that I want to work with. And I’ve also noticed that the clients I’m working with now seem to really value what my courses are worth.
Whereas previously I would have clients perhaps trying to haggle a bit over the price or ask for discounts, I’m not having any of that now.
Before joining Designed to Flourish
I had not long moved back to the UK after many years overseas. I’d worked freelance most of that period. Coming back to the UK, I realized I needed to really professionalize what I was doing. I had already created a website and a business name.
link English language training. , I had had a bit of training and things like social media, but I felt I wanted something that was really focused on helping English language teachers specifically. That was really important to me. I wanted to work with somebody who really understood the field I was working in, which I felt that I didn’t get before.
Did you have any hesitations about investing in the programme?
I did take my time selecting something that I felt would be most appropriate for me. Looked at a couple of different options.
But I already knew about Rachael. I knew a bit about her work already and I had also seen her speak at an IH conference, so I felt quite confident in her, as an individual and a professional, and an expert in what she does. So, I met her online for a call and have a chat about the programme and, from there I didn’t really have any hesitations. I felt that it was really the right programme to go for.
What changes have you made as a result of doing the programme?
One thing I completely overhauled was my pricing and the model I use for the pricing. I created. packages for courses, which I hadn’t done previously. And I’ve also been slowly nudging up my prices. So that that’s been a massive change. I would say that now I’ve reached the point where I’m almost charging about 50 percent more than I was before I did the programme.
In terms of the people I work with, I don’t seem to be having any trouble finding the right kind of clients that I want to work with. And I’ve also noticed that the clients I’m working with now seem to really value what my courses are worth. Whereas previously I would have clients perhaps trying to haggle a bit over the price or ask for discounts, I’m not having any of that now. So I do feel that the people I’m working with respect that my courses are are worth what they are, and they don’t seem to have any problem paying what I’m charging.
So that’s, that’s been a great change.
What would you say to anyone considering doing Designed to Flourish?
I’ve made so many changes. I feel I’m working in a much more professional way. I’ve mentioned a few things already. Pricing, the website, help with social media, trying to identify the right kind of clients. I feel much happier with the way I’m working now, and I don’t think I could have achieved half of that if I hadn’t done Rachel’s programme.
So I would highly recommend it to anybody who needs some kind of support in developing their business. .