by Rachael Roberts | Apr 25, 2023 | Business, Confidence, ELT business, Freelance, Productivity
Self-sabotaging is when the things that you’re doing, or thinking, are actually not in your best interests… and, if you’re human, you’ll have experienced this.Here are 15 very common forms of self sabotage to look out for when running your business. Not so you can...
by Rachael Roberts | Oct 26, 2021 | Anxiety, Business, Confidence, Inner Troll
Three monks sat by a lake, deep in meditation. One stood up and said, “I’ve forgotten my mat.” Stepping on to the waters before him, he walked across the water to the other side, and went into their small hut. When he came back, the second monk said, “I just...
by Rachael Roberts | Dec 1, 2020 | Habits, Inner Troll, MIndfulness
We’ve probably all been there. You start a great new habit of running every day, or meditating regularly, or eating more healthily, and you’re so pleased about the change, but then you start back-sliding. Maybe this sneaky little Troll voice starts to point out that...
by Rachael Roberts | Feb 25, 2020 | Emotions, Negativity, Personal Development, stressed day
Are you more of a pessimist or an optimist? You may tell yourself that optimists are just deluded, but studies show that optimists tend to live longer and be healthier. To some extent at least, pessimism (and optimism) can be a self fulfilling prophecy. We tend to...
by Rachael Roberts | Oct 15, 2019 | Emotions, Inner Troll, Meditation, MIndfulness, Mindfulness practice, Negativity, Personal Development
You know how sometimes it feels that your mind is full of contradictory thoughts? (Not just me I hope). Part of you wants to go to the gym, and part wants to stay in bed. Part of you is furious with your partner, and part of you recognises that they’re just having a...