by Rachael Roberts | Dec 1, 2020 | Habits, Inner Troll, MIndfulness
We’ve probably all been there. You start a great new habit of running every day, or meditating regularly, or eating more healthily, and you’re so pleased about the change, but then you start back-sliding. Maybe this sneaky little Troll voice starts to point out that...
by Rachael Roberts | Mar 17, 2020 | Emotions, Meditation, Negativity, Overwhelm, Stress, Wellbeing
Fear is a natural and necessary reaction to threat. In these difficult times if you’re feeling fearful, that’s simply your body’s way of telling you to watch out. However, as the coronavirus crisis mounts, you may be finding it difficult not to become overwhelmed with...
by Rachael Roberts | Mar 10, 2020 | Emotions, MIndfulness, Negativity, Overwhelm
We all know from experience that moods are contagious. If your partner or flat mate comes home grumpy from work, the chances are good that you will end up snapping back, even if you initially felt pretty good. It can work the other way, and your sunny mood may lift...
by Rachael Roberts | Sep 3, 2019 | Emotions, Meditation, MIndfulness, Negativity, Personal Development, stressed day
A couple of years ago I wrote a short book aimed at novice teachers taking the four week course to learn the basics of teaching English, CELTA. Based on many years experience as a tutor on this course, it aimed to help with the key classroom teaching skills needed,...