by Rachael Roberts | Oct 15, 2019 | Emotions, Inner Troll, Meditation, MIndfulness, Mindfulness practice, Negativity, Personal Development
You know how sometimes it feels that your mind is full of contradictory thoughts? (Not just me I hope). Part of you wants to go to the gym, and part wants to stay in bed. Part of you is furious with your partner, and part of you recognises that they’re just having a...
by Rachael Roberts | Aug 27, 2019 | Emotions, MIndfulness, Mindfulness practice, Stress
As warm blood spattered all over us, I screamed….actually it was water, but that didn’t stop me being so scared that my heart was nearly beating out of my chest. Against my better judgement, my daughter had persuaded me onto the Psycho Hotel ride at the Prater...