Specialized Food Coaching
Milestone 1- Discovering your perfect niche
Trying to please everyone will just make you disappear into the background. Without this foundational piece of your business in place, you are always going to struggle to stand out in the market-place and attract those motivated, invested clients.
Through a selection of tools, tasks, questions and examples, I’ll help you dig deep into what you have to offer and identify exactly who you’re best placed to work with, and, crucially, who will be willing to invest to get the results you offer.
Milestone 2- Designing your stand-out offer
I’ll help you answer the question, ‘What should I include in my offer to help my clients get the best results, AND reduce the amount of work I need to put in?’
Getting this right is totally game-changing for you and your clients (and will make it much easier to sell your offer as well)
As the writer of many published courses, an experienced CELTA/DELTA tutor, and someone with 30+ years of experience in the field, I’m exactly the right person to help you.
Milestone 3- Creating your compelling brand story
Branding isn’t just for big businesses. Your brand is everything you want your ideal clients to know (and love) about who you are and what you stand for.
We’ll work through the different elements of your brand and I’ll teach you the 5 key things that must be on your social media profiles, so that your potential clients can immediately see why you’re a great choice for them.
Milestone 4- Crafting engaging website copy
While you don’t have to have a website to get started, longer term it’s a vital part of creating that all important like, know, trust, so people ‘get’ why you’re the right person, with the right offer, to help them get the results they want.
And that means creating a website which isn’t just a place for information, but which takes your website visitor on a journey, shows them the difference working with you could make, answers all their questions, and helps them feel confident to take the next step.
In this milestone I’ll give you detailed feedback on three pages of your website copy, so your website works as hard as you do.
Milestone 5 - Effective audience growth strategies
What’s the secret to rapidly growing an audience of engaged, right-fit potential clients? Whatever people may tell you, there isn’t a one size fits all solution.
It’s about working out the best strategy for you, based on who your ideal client is, where they hang out, what they need to hear, and what your offer is.
I’ll help you devise a sustainable and repeatable strategy that’s perfect for you and your business.
Milestone 6 - From followers to clients.
What’s the one thing that every language teaching business owner wants? Consistent right-fit leads and clients. Building an audience is a great start, but what else do you need to actually turn those followers into well-paying clients?
In this final milestone we’ll create a marketing, lead generation and sales strategy, leaving you crystal clear about exactly what you need to do next, and going forward.
Having Trouble Finding a Nutritous Balance?
You’re Not Alone. And I’m Here to Help!
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How I can Help
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Food Coaching
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Sports Nutrition
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Vitamins & Suppliments
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Weight Loss
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Finding a Balance Can Be Hard, but Eating Healthy Doesn’t Have To Be
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About Lindsay
Professional Food Coach
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My Approach
My Process
Unique Framework
I’ve Developed Fun & Realistic Methods For a Balanced Nutrition
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How to run profitable one-to-one English classes
Teaching one-to-one is an incredible opportunity to tailor classes to the needs of each student. But many teachers feel daunted by the prospect. After all, nothing on TEFL courses prepared you for one-to-one teaching. As a result, teachers often aren’t charging enough either. But, get it right and you could be earning good money teaching one-to-one.
How to work less and earn more: what to focus on
When people go freelance they often worry about not getting enough work, clients or students. But the problem I see far more often isn’t difficulty getting freelance clients. Instead, you really want to aim to work less and earn more.
3 ways to never hear “I can’t afford it” again
Three changes you can make so you no longer have potential clients telling you they can’t afford to work with you.
My Book on Quick, Healthy Cooking at Home
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San Francisco, CA 91351