by Rachael Roberts | Sep 1, 2020 | Confidence, ELT business, Mindset, Saying no
Helping people with mindset is a big part of what I do as a business coach for ELT Freelancers. I know that more often than not, what is holding us back is not so much lack of practical business knowledge (important though that is), but confidence, fear of failure (or...
by Rachael Roberts | Aug 18, 2020 | Negativity, Personal Development, Saying no
To what extent do you believe that your fate is in your own hands? If you go for a job interview, do you believe that the result is largely a matter of luck or the interviewer’s mood on the day, or does it depend more heavily on the preparation you did, and of course...
by Rachael Roberts | Jul 21, 2020 | Burnout, Personal Development, Saying no, Stress
We all know that being kind and generous to others makes us feel good. But how often are we similarly giving and nurturing to ourselves? More often than not we treat ourselves in a way we would never dream of doing to anyone else. When I ask, ‘What can I give myself...
by Rachael Roberts | Jul 14, 2020 | Burnout, Overwhelm, Relationships, Saying no, Stress
Maybe you suspect you’re a people pleaser? You find it hard to say no, you rarely put your own needs first, you hate the idea of being disliked or criticised. You’re probably aware that this kind of behaviour often leads to you taking too much on, and being...
by Rachael Roberts | May 12, 2020 | Burnout, Overwhelm, Saying no, Stress
For many people, working from home has gone from a temporary fix in an emergency to something longer term, and which may even become permanent, at least some of the time. The potential benefits are obvious. It’s cheaper for employers, and for employees there’s less...
by Rachael Roberts | Nov 19, 2019 | Burnout, Business, ELT business, Freelance, Overwhelm, Relationships, Saying no
Many of my clients went freelance so they could have more control over their workload and working hours….. And yet they so often end up feeling overloaded and overwhelmed. If that sounds like you, it could be because you’ve taken on too much work. When you’re...