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Is a digital course the right business model for you?
Answer the questions and find out if this could be a great fit to help you earn more, and work less, while still getting amazing results for your clients.
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Do you have a clear and defined niche?
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I don't have a defined niche. My clients vary hugely in terms of what they come to me for.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI tend to get roughly the same kind of clients with a few variations.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI have a clear and defined niche, and really know what my clients want and need.
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How well do you understand what your clients need?
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I could easily rough out the content of an asychronous digital course or book aimed at my specific audience.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI have a vague idea, but it would need some work.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI have lots of ideas, but they're all for different types of clients.
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How much experience do you have creating materials for other people to use (without you being there to explain things etc)?
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I've written quite a lot of materials for publication
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI've done some training in this, though have limited experience
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI've only ever written materials for my own students to do in class with me.
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To what extent is your course (or book) idea something people would feel they really need to invest in?
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I have done some research and KNOW this is really needed.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsMy course or book would help people achieve something important to them.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI think it's important, but I'm not sure my potential clients will really see that.
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How well do you understand the technical aspects of creating a digital course (or publishing a book)?
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I am at least fairly clear, and know how to get any help I need.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI find any kind of tech really overwhelming.
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How big is your audience on social media?
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Less than 1000
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsBetween 1000 and 2000
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsOver 2000
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Yes, I have more than 1000 people on my list and email them regularly.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsYes, I have a mailing list, but I haven't emailed them for ages.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI have a small list, but I'm working on growing it.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsNo, I haven't set this up yet.
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How confident do you feel about marketing and selling?
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Pretty confident and comfortable
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsNot that confident, but I'm sure I can learn.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsHonestly, I hate the very idea of it!
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Maybe you already have materials that you've tried and tested with clients, and figure you could make some money by turning them into a digital course or self publishing?
The idea of 'making money while you sleep', is undoubtedly attractive, and it's definitely possible to make a good income from both these business models.
However, if you got a low score, there are probably some things you need to consider or work on first.
Probably the biggest obstacle is that while it is relatively easy to create a digital course or a book from a technical point of view, it is much much harder to sell these things than to sell a 1-2-1 or group programme.
You probably don't get to speak directly to your buyer, to create a relationship, you need to sell in much larger numbers, and you have to help your offering stand out in some very crowded marketplaces.
Contrary to what many people assume, it is by no means easier to sell something cheaper than to sell something more expensive.
If you don't have a really clear niche and offer- something which your potential clients really feel they need- it can be very hard to get noticed. Your marketing skills also need to be better than for a 1-2-1 or group programme, where your personal reputation and referrals can do a lot of the work for you, and you need to be good at the SEO side of things as well.
Having said all this, don't despair. A digital course or a self-published book or materials can work very nicely as part of your whole business eco-system, providing some extra income on top of your main offer, and leading new people towards your main offer.
And, with the right product, and the right set-up, it is also possible (just not easy) to eventually make this your main business in its own right.
I have plenty of experience with my own digital and self-published offerings, and those of my clients, and I'd love to have a chat with you about your options. Give me some more details about your (planned) business and book into my calendar here.
There are a few things you still need to get in place, but this business model has very good potential for you once you've done that, especially if you're aware of the possible pitfalls.
Maybe you already have materials that you've tried and tested with clients, and figure you could make some money by turning them into a digital course or self publishing?
The idea of 'making money while you sleep', is undoubtedly attractive, and it's definitely possible to make a good income from both these business models.
However, there are some things to consider, which mean that this business model isn't usually my first recommendation to clients.
Probably the biggest obstacle is that while it is relatively easy to create a digital course or a book from a technical point of view, it is much much harder to sell these things than to sell a 1-2-1 or group programme. You need to sell in much larger numbers, and you need to help your offering stand out in some very crowded marketplaces.
Contrary to what many people assume, it is by no means easier to sell something cheaper than to sell something more expensive.
If you don't have a really clear niche and offer- something which people really feel they need, it can be very hard to get noticed. Your marketing skills also need to be better than for a 1-2-1 or group programme, where your personal reputation and referrals can do a lot of the work for you, and you need to be good at the SEO side of things as well.
Having said all this, don't despair. A digital course or a self-published book or materials can work very nicely as part of your whole business eco-system, providing some extra income on top of your main offer, and leading new people towards your main offer.
And, with the right product, and the right set-up, it is also possible to eventually make this your main business in its own right.
I have plenty of experience with my own digital and self-published offerings, and those of my clients, and I'd love to have a chat with you about your options. Give me some more details about your (planned) business and book into my calendar here.
The idea of 'making money while you sleep', is undoubtedly attractive, and it's definitely possible to make a good income from both these business models.
However, there are some things to consider, which mean that this business model isn't usually my first recommendation to clients.
Probably the biggest obstacle is that while it is relatively easy to create a digital course or a book from a technical point of view, it is much much harder to sell these things than to sell a 1-2-1 or group programme. You need to sell in much larger numbers, and you need to help your offering stand out in some very crowded marketplaces.
Contrary to what many people assume, it is by no means easier to sell something cheaper than to sell something more expensive.
If you don't have a really clear niche and offer- something which people really feel they need, it can be very hard to get noticed. Your marketing skills also need to be better than for a 1-2-1 or group programme, where your personal reputation and referrals can do a lot of the work for you, and you need to be good at the SEO side of things as well.
Having said all this, don't despair. A digital course or a self-published book or materials can work very nicely as part of your whole business eco-system, providing some extra income on top of your main offer, and leading new people towards your main offer.
And, with the right product, and the right set-up, it is also possible to eventually make this your main business in its own right.
I have plenty of experience with my own digital and self-published offerings, and those of my clients, and I'd love to have a chat with you about your options. Give me some more details about your (planned) business and book into my calendar here.
It sounds as if this could be a great business model for you. You almost certainly already have a clear idea which sufficient people would be willing and able to pay for, and a big enough and warm enough audience.
Hopefully you also have a loyal email list, and a good retention and open rate.
Done right, this model can absolutely create passive income for you, though there are some things you need to consider.
Probably the biggest obstacle is that while it is relatively easy to create a digital course or a book from a technical point of view, it is much much harder to sell these things than to sell a 1-2-1 or group programme.
You need to sell in much larger numbers, and you need to help your offering stand out in some very crowded marketplaces.
Contrary to what many people assume, it is by no means easier to sell something cheaper than to sell something more expensive.
Contrary to what many people assume, it is by no means easier to sell something cheaper than to sell something more expensive.
You don't have the benefit of speaking directly to potential clients, as you might in a discovery call, which makes it more challenging to build trust and rapport. This means your sales or landing page needs to be super well written, to take people through that sales process on their own.
So your marketing skills need to be better than for a 1-2-1 or group programme, where your personal reputation and referrals can do a lot of the work for you, and you need to be good at the SEO side of things as well.
I have plenty of experience with my own digital and self-published offerings, and those of my clients, and I'd love to have a chat with you about your options. Give me some more details about your (planned) business and book into my calendar here.
I have plenty of experience with my own digital and self-published offerings, and those of my clients, and I'd love to have a chat with you about your options. Give me some more details about your (planned) business and book into my calendar here.